Paul's Examples -Timothy
Date: July 25th 2020
Speaker: Bro. Vijay Kudumula

Passage Reference: Philippians 2:19-24
Key Verse: Philippians 2: 20
Central message: In chains, apostle Paul demonstrates his trust and hope in Lord Jesus
Christ. Paul’s confidence in Christ Jesus is the source of his joy even in the midst of difficult situations. Also Paul’s words show his deep care and concern for the church. And when he could not go and visit Philippi to know their spiritual state, Paul wants to send his like minded son in faith Timothy who sincerely cares for the things of Christ
Message Outline:
Paul’s confidence in Chris Jesus
Paul’s care/concern for Church
Paul’s Choice - Timothy
Message Summary:
1. Paul’s confidence in Chris Jesus: Paul trusts/hopes that the Lord will deliver him from the present situation. Paul uses 3 words (v19, v22, v23) to express his confidence in the Lord. 2 Tim 1:12 Paul says “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” Paul’s understanding of God’s character and assurance that God will be able to keep until that Day, helped Paul suffer
joyfully for Christ.
2. Paul’s care/concern for church: Paul sincerely cared for the spiritual welfare of believers at Phillippi He was not after their possessions, but after their souls (2 Cor 12:14). Paul wants to encourage their souls, exhort them in their faith and be an example for them. His desire that all he has earned for Christ would continue in faith until the day of Lord Jesus.
3. Paul’s choice - Timothy: Alongside of Paul, Timothy served the Lord with humility. He
was happy to play second fiddle and did not seek prominence. Like Paul, Timothy sincerely cared for believers. He started his spiritual life as a teenager, built his testimony among the believers in Lystra & Iconium and continued the same testimony all through his life. Timothy served Paul as a son.
Do we have such knowledge and faith as that of Paul that helps us stay joyful even in uncertain and difficult circumstances? If not, can we know the goodness of the Lord be assured?
Has God given accountability to you over any souls? May be your family members, your extended family & friends or even people God has brought into your life. We shall sincerely care for the spiritual welfare of these people.
Like Timothy, can we serve Christ with humility & unity?
Full Sermon Video : TCF Charlotte July 25th 2020 ( link to be updated )