Monthly Fellowship
Sat, May 08
|Zoom Meeting
Our monthly fellowship meeting is on the 2nd Saturday at 5.45 PM. We are currently studying the book of Ephesians. We will meet online only via Zoom session.

Time & Location
May 08, 2021, 5:45 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
Meeting ID: 910 4624 6909
Password: Send us a message on our Website or Facebook page to obtain password.
Order of Service
(Welcome @ 5.45pm)
1. Prelude & Opening Prayer
2. Praise & Worship
3. Scripture Reading
4. Message Preparation
5. Message - Bro.David Thulimelli (Ephesians 2)
6. Closing song, May Birthdays, Closing Prayer
Please note - we will NOT have potluck dinner this month as we're still trying to figure out how to safely do it, and also work with the church cleaning crew to make this better for the following Sunday service.